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The bright and insightful guide to birthday colors is back with an all-new cover inspired by the iconic Pantone color system. Discover every vibrant aspect of your personality withColorstrology, a fascinating blend of astrology, numerology, and color theory that offers exciting new insights about our lives and relationships. Written by renowned astrologer Michele Bernhardt using the numbers and color schemes of Pantone, Inc., the global authority on color, the system features 366 “birthday colors” that illustrate who we are and how we behave. UsingColorstrology, you’ll quickly understand how to enhance your best personality traits with your birthday color. This full-color book features detailed profiles of everyone you know, plus 366 perforated swatches so you can take your birthday color wherever you go.

  • 5.86"l x 5.88"w x 0.93"h
  • Paperback
  • 432 pages

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